Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Finding Fire (Bad Boys of the Underworld Book 1)- Mallory Crowe

Honestly, I was pretty burnt out on vampire novels but for some odd reason I chose this one book to read next and I was pleasantly surprised. 

Each person/author has their own interpretation of what makes a vampire. This one stuck to the normals for the most part. Can't go out in the day, drinks blood, blah blah. But the thing I found interesting was the fact that they could reproduce in the normal way. That wasn't exactly something I was expecting as vampires are suppose to be dead right? No this isn't a spoiler, I didn't just ruin the book. This was mentioned in passing and it kinda stuck with me. That's all. 

We meet Anna, who is actually a part of a group known as the "stakes". They all have one goal, to seek out vampires, though each person in that little group has their own reasons for it. When Anna actually meets one, she figures she is about to get all the answers she had been searching for for the last 15 years. What happened to her father and her best friend? What she wasn't expecting, was to be so captivated by said vampire. This book is all about their journey to get what they both want. 

This is a stand alone novel, though there are other books in the series. Which I am not sure yet if I am going to read. It wasn't that this book wasn't good, because it was. But it wasn't one of those, OMG I have to see what's next. All in all I still give 4 stars for keeping my attention. 

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

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