Monday, October 24, 2016

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- JK Rowling

I swear, every time I read these books, it's like reading them for the first time! 

We begin the story back in Pivet Drive where Harry had to return after his first year of Hogwarts. Things with his aunt and uncle had not changed and they still treated him like garbage. While Harry had thought his friends from school would have at least written him, he hadn't gotten a single letter all summer, just topping off his misery. That's when Dobby the house elf shows up and warns him not to go back to school because terrible things are going to be happening there. 

But, of course, Harry has to go back to school, it's the only place he truly feels like he belongs. But then muggle-borns start getting attacked and this new threat could very possibly cause the school to close. Will Harry be able to stop these attacks before Hogwarts is closed for good or will he be forced to go back to the Dursley's and live in misery for the rest of his life? 

This book is another smash hit for all ages! It was a very captivating read right from the start! 

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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